
The special voucher “Vicenza 2017 un anno magico per sport e turismo [Vicenza 2017, a magic year for sport and tourism]” is delivered to participants (not from Vicenza) during the sports events held in Vicenza.

By submitting the voucher to the Tourist Information Office of Vicenza it’s possible to purchase a single ticket to visit Vicenza museums at a special price of € 7.00, instead of € 15.00. The ticket gives access to 8 sites.


Results and impact

1st sport event with deliver of vouchers in March 2017

15/06/2017: 66 vouchers used


Type of activity

Programmes promoting activity

Special events/days



Place: Vicenza, Italy

Territorial level: Local

Organizer: Municipality of Vicenza, Museum and culture office, Tourism Department – Sport Department

Source: Vicenza Municipal Council Decision n. 65 del 28.02.2017 | Vicenza Tourist Information office monitoring system