
Guided running trainings are a part of a certain insurance package on active healthcare. Nine meeting locations are mostly city parks, sport areas (open playgrounds, roller-skating ring, sport halls and stadiums, open air fitness devices and exercise paths, etc.), the line of runs are mostly within the inner urban ring. Activity is led by a certificated sport instructor. It is free of charge for the insured clients and runs once per week from March to November. Besides running with famous athletes, activity includes the analysis of the run technique, a test of run equipment, lectures and conversation with nutritionist and physiotherapist.


Results and impact

It encompasses insured people who want to take an active care for their health, from beginners to professionals. The insurance company built its own team/group of runner, visiting also other running manifestations. In 2014, more than 500 runners at the Ljubljana Marathon were a part of Vzajemna insurance team.    


Type of activity

Programmes promoting activity

Regular outdoor trainings/courses

HEPA in labour policies and practices

Physical activities in natural and cult. ecosystems



Place: Slovenian cities: Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Koper, Novo mesto, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Ravne na Koroškem.

Territorial level: National

Organizer: Vzajemna Mutual Health Insurance Company

Source: | | Brochure